International Journal of Research & Method in Education

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International Journal of Research & Method in Education

Editeur:: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 1743-727X / 1743-7288


The International Journal of Research & Method in Education is an interdisciplinary and refereed journal, which draws its contributions from a wide community of researchers. The principal aim of the journal is to further international discourse in education with a particular focus on method. The journal publishes contributions which: provide evidence of unusual or new methods of educational research; discuss conceptual, theoretical and methodological issues in educational research; have an international and/or comparative dimension; contest or dissent from the orthodox or examine the innovative and the unusual; are considered to be of major significance to those in the field of research methodology in education. The International Journal of Research & Method in Education encourages authors to write in a lucid and accessible style. Contributors should take care to communicate to an international readership of researchers, policy-makers and practitioners from a range of disciplines including philosophy, sociology, economics, psychology, and history of education.

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