International Journal of Phytoremediation

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International Journal of Phytoremediation

Editeur:: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 1522-6514 / 1549-7879


The International Journal of Phytoremediation covers a wide range of topics related to phytoremediation - not just the techniques. From building partnerships with environmental regulators to managing the physical effects of phytoremediation, youll find it all in this comprehensive journal. With its peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary articles, you can master phytoremediation and make it a realistic solution to your needs. Topics include: A fragment solution to soil remediation; Enhancement of Cr (III) phytoaccumulation; Screening plant species for growth on weathered, petroleum hydrocarbon-contaminated soils; Assessing plant phytoextraction potential through mathematical modeling; Differential tolerance of cool- and warm-season grasses to TNT-contaminated soil; Cropping as a phytoremediation practice for oily desert soil; Plant screening for chromium phytoremediation; Amendment optimization to enhance lead extractability from contaminated soils for phytoremediation; A preparation technique for analysis of explosives in plant tissues.

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