International Journal of Philosophical Studies

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International Journal of Philosophical Studies

Editeur:: Taylor and Francis Group
ISSN: 0967-2559 / 1466-4542


The International Journal of Philosophical Studies publishes academic articles of the highest quality in all areas of philosophy. In particular the journal seeks to: promote mutual comprehension and dialogue between the analytic and continental styles of philosophy combine discussion of contemporary problems with articles in the history of philosophy which shed light on aspects of the current debate provide quality articles on a broader range of issues than is currently available in philosophical journals. The journal contains an extensive book review section, including reviews of non-English language books. It also provides Critical Notices which review major books or themes in depth. The broad range of IJPS makes it essential reading for professionals in all fields of philosophy, for graduate students and for all those who take an interest in philosophical questions and their historical development. The journal contains an extensive book review section, including reviews of non-English language books. It also provides Critical Notices which review major books or themes in depth.

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