American Journal of Kidney Diseases

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American Journal of Kidney Diseases

Editeur:: Elsevier Science
ISSN: 0272-6386 / 1523-6838


American Journal of Kidney Diseases not only publishes a broad range of clinical and basic investigations in human renal function but also describes the impact of the advances on clinical practice. Coverage encompasses applied physiology, dialysis/chronic uremia, hypertension, urology, pathology, and transplantation. In addition to peer-reviewed original articles and case reports, the Journal includes regular features such as in-depth reviews of relevant clinical topics; presentation and discussion of renal biopsy teaching cases; discussion and analysis of important recent articles; and forum discussions of ethical, moral, and legal issues related to kidney disease. The Journals website includes such exclusive features as Atlas of Renal Pathology, CME exercises, clinical nephrology teaching cases, and web-only case reports.

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