International Journal of Computational Intelligence and...

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International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications

Editeur:: World Scientific Publishing Company
ISSN: 1469-0268 / 1757-5885


The International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, IJCIA, is a refereed journal dedicated to the theory and applications of computational intelligence (artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation and hybrid systems). The main goal of this journal is to provide a vehicle to the scientific community and industry where ideas using two or more conventional and computational intelligence based techniques could be discussed. The IJCIA welcomes original works in areas such as neural networks, fuzzy logic, evolutionary computation, pattern recognition, hybrid intelligent systems, symbolic machine learning, statistical models, image/audio/video compression and retrieval. The IJCIA highly encourages new ideas, combining two or more areas, such as neuro-fuzzy, neuro-symbolic, neuro-evolutionary, neuro-symbolic, neuro-pattern recognition, fuzzy-evolutionary, evolutionary-symbolic, fuzzy-evolutionary, evolutionary-symbolic, fuzzy-symbolic, etc.

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