International Journal of Bilingual Education and...

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International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism

Editeur:: Multilingual Matters and Channel View Publications
ISSN: 1367-0050 / 1747-7522


International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. In recent decades, few topics have become so internationally important as bilingualism, multilingualism, bilingualism education and the acquisition of new languages. In the first century of the new millenium, as international communications increase, technological changes facilitate international relationships, and travelling between countries and across oceans becomes more common, the international importance of bilingual education and bilingualism is expected to rise steeply. At the same time, there is increasing concern and interest about language minorities and the survival of indigenous and immigrant languages. Just as there has been interest in preserving the wonderful variety among flora and fauna, the preservation of linguistic and cultural diversity has become internationally important so as to maintain the colourful diversity of human existence. This new journal aims to spread international developments, initiatives, ideas and and research on bilingualism and bilingual education, and to ensure collaboration between different continents, allowing rapid access to up-to-date information in an easily digestible form.

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