ACM SIGDOC Asterisk Journal of Computer Documentation
Editeur:: | Association for Computing Machinery |
ISSN: | 0731-1001 |
Discontinued in 1999. Continued by ACM SIGDOC Asterisk Journal of Computer Documentation (1558-0288). SIGDOC provides a forum on documentation and user support for computer products and systems. The SIG studies and publishes processes, methods, and technologies for communicating information using printed and online text, hypermedia, and multimedia. Members include technical communication professionals, educators, researches, web designers, system designers, developers, usability specialists, and managers responsible for producing or supervising the creation of documentation, online help systems, websites and user interfaces. Benefits include discounts at the intimate SIGDOC conference, a high quality website with broad professional contacts, a respected quarterly publication, a membership directory, and free access to SIGDOC conference proceedings on the ACM Portal to Computing Literature. Membership also includes a subscription to the ACM Journal of Computer Documentation. Areas of Special Interest: Internet and online information, user interface design, usability engineering, visual design of online and hardcopy information, documentation processes, processes and models derived from successful practice.
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