[BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against...

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[BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and European League Against Rheumatism Annual European Congress of Rheumatology, EULAR 2019, Madrid, 12–15 June 2019 - ()] Spondyloarthritis – etiology, pathogenesis and animal models - FRI0367 INFLAMMATORY PROCESSES IN EXPERIMENTAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS ARE ACCOMPANIED BY FORMATION OF ECTOPIC LYMPHOID STRUCTURES IN THE BONE MARROW AND ALTERATIONS IN THE B CELL LINEAGE

Kaaij, Merlijn, Hamburg, Jan Piet van, Rip, Jasper, Kollias, George, Baeten, Dominique, Nolte, Martijn, Duivenvoorde, Leonie van, Tas, Sander W.
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