Can Ratios Between Prognostic Factors Predict the Clinical...

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  • 2020 / 09
  • Can Ratios Between Prognostic Factors Predict the Clinical...

Can Ratios Between Prognostic Factors Predict the Clinical Pregnancy Rate in an IVF/ICSI Program with a GnRH Agonist-FSH/hMG Protocol? An Assessment of 2421 Embryo Transfers, and a Review of the Literature

Merviel, Philippe, Menard, Michel, Cabry, Rosalie, Scheffler, Florence, Lourdel, Emmanuelle, Le Martelot, Marie-Thérèse, Roche, Sylvie, Chabaud, Jean-Jacques, Copin, Henri, Drapier, Hortense, Benkha
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Reproductive Sciences
September, 2020
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