[Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Proceedings of...

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[Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2013) - Tokyo, Japan (August 5-9, 2013)] Proceedings of the International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES2013) - Magnetism and Transport Properties of EuNiSi 3

Uchima, Kiyoharu, Arakaki, Nozomi, Hirakawa, Sentaro, Hiranaka, Yuichi, Uejo, Taro, Teruya, Atsushi, Nakamura, Ai, Takeda, Masataka, Takaesu, Yoshinao, Hedo, Masato, Nakama, Takao, Yagasaki, Katsuma,
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