Book Review: The Great Society Subway: A History of the...

Book Review: The Great Society Subway: A History of the Washington Metro, Transport of Delight: The Mythical Conception of Rail Transit in Los Angeles, Rêves parisiens: L'échec de projets de transport public en France au XIXe siècle, Histoire des chemins de fer en France (History of railways in France) II, Le ferrovie in viaggio verso l'Europa: La liberalizzazione delle ferrovie (The railways in travel vis-à-Vis Europe: The liberalisation of the railways), Billy, Alfred, and General Motors: The Story of two unique Men, a Legendary Company and a remarkable Time in American History, Rozwoj koncepcji samochodu osobowego w XX wieku (The evolution of the car in the twentieth century), Das zweite Jahrhundert des Automobils. Technische Innovatione

Oliva, Jan, Maggi, Stefano, Post, Bob, Schrag, Zachary M., Barles, Sabine, Oliva, Jan, Maggi, Stefano, Volti, Rudi, Lotysz, Slawomir, Merki, Christoph Maria, Dougherty, Carolyn, Buiter, Hans, Guigueno
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The Journal of Transport History
September, 2007
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english, 2007
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