[ASME ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference -...

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[ASME ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference - Columbus, Ohio, USA (Wednesday 28 October 2015)] Volume 3: Multiagent Network Systems; Natural Gas and Heat Exchangers; Path Planning and Motion Control; Powertrain Systems; Rehab Robotics; Robot Manipulators; Rollover Prevention (AVS); Sensors and Actuators; Time Delay Systems; Tracking Control Systems; Uncertain Systems and Robustness; Unmanned, Ground and Surface Robotics; Vehicle Dynamics Control; Vibration and Control of Smart Structures/Mech Systems; Vibration Issues in Mechanical Systems - Investigation of Energy Efficiency in Force Control of Pneumatic Actuators

Taheri, Behzad, Case, David, Richer, Edmond
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english, 2015
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