Competitive Elections in Non-European Countries: The AEI...

Competitive Elections in Non-European Countries: The AEI "At the Polls" Series. A Review Essay; Australia at the Polls: The National Elections of 1975; The Australian National Elections of 1977; Canada at the Polls: The General Election of 1974; Canada at the Polls, 1979 and 1980: A Study of the General Elections; India at the Polls, The Parliamentary Elections of 1977; India at the Polls; 1980: A Study of the Parliamentary Elections; Israel at the Polls: The Knesset Elections of 1977; Japan at the Polls: The House of Councillors Election of 1974; A Season of Voting: The Japanese Elections of 1976 and 1977;

Palmer, Norman D., Penniman, Howard R., Weiner, Myron, Blaker, Michael K., Passin, Herbert, Penniman, Howard R, Butler, David, Penniman, Howard R., Ranney, Austin
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The Western Political Quarterly
September, 1984
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english, 1984
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