[ASME ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Fuel Cell...

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[ASME ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology collocated with ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability - Washington, DC, USA (August 7–10, 2011)] ASME 2011 9th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology - Full Field Imaging of Nickel Oxidation States in Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anode Materials by Xanes Nanotomography

Harris, William M., Nelson, George J., Izzo, John R., Grew, Kyle N., Chiu, Wilson K. S., Chu, Yong S., Yi, Jaemock, Andrews, Joy, Liu, Yijin, Pianetta, Piero
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english, 2011
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